Lorena Thompson

Age Group Assistant Coach

Kairos Group  

Lorena grew up in Race Swami’s hometown, Rose Park, and still resides there to this day. Lorena joined Race Swami in 2012 and fell in love with the water. Her coaches and teammates were always uplifting and supportive, making the sport especially fun for her. Lorena is still close friends with most of the teammates she grew up with along the way! She had the opportunity to be an athlete representative for Utah Swimming on behalf of Race Swami between 2020 and 2022, and attended numerous Utah Swimming board meetings, where she was able to assist in decision making propositions to improve and grow the sport.

Lorena graduated from West High School in 2022. During her four years at West she competed for the high school swim team and served as captain of the team during her senior year. So too, during that time Lorena was able to be teammates with athletes from other USA Swimming club teams. She also competed against some of her fellow SWAMI teammates, who attended other area high schools at the state and regional meets, which made it fun. 

Lorena is currently studying interior design at Ensign College in downtown Salt Lake City and will graduate in December 2024! Architectural Nexus offered her an internship this past summer which has helped open doors for her to join the commercial design industry after graduation. 

Fortunately, Lorena has continued to stay close to the water since graduating from Race Swami in 2022. She now trains for and competes in local triathlons! She has loved expanding into other sports while still embracing her true love for swimming. Lorena just recently completed a 70.3 Ironman in the fall of 2023 and hopes to do a full 140.6 Ironman in the coming years!

Lorena coaches and mentors Race Swami’s “Kairos Group” (formerly known as the RS2 group). She enjoys seeing all the progress that’s been made by these youngsters — not only what they’re accomplishing in the water, but in the development of their whole character. As she put it, “My goal is to prepare and excite the Kairos swimmers for higher levels of competition through extensive technical improvement and attention to detail. I’ve learned many life skills and had tons of fun while participating in this sport, and I hope to pass that along to current Swami swimmers.”